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Jared Leto’s Joker is Getting His Own Movie!

Jared Leto’s Joker is Getting His Own Movie!


Afternoon, geeks!

This is shaping up to be a pretty crazy week full of good news for movies.

So sources told Variety that Jared Leto will be starring and producing in his own movie as the Joker!

While there was a lot of backlash over this version of the Joker on SUICIDE SQUAD, (his stupid tattoos, that grill and other reasons) maybe we shouldn’t all just get our panties in a bunch over this.

I think it’s rather refreshing that isn’t 100% abusive toward Harley Quinn. Hear me out! Yes, it was pretty obnoxious that they deviated from the original source and actually made Joker and Harley crazy and in love together, but because of this we can see a FRESH new take on the Joker. Also, it’ll actually be far less disturbing to see people do a couple cosplay/Halloween costumes where they aren’t portraying an extremely abusive relationship! I’m not saying that Harley and Joker are completely healthy together in SUICIDE SQUAD, but there is far less straight up abuse.

In all other versions, Joker is far too much of a sociopath to really love Harley. If Joker is able to love, he is more relatable and we’ll get to see him as we haven’t before.

Currently, there are no details on the plot or a release. The film remains untitled for now.

I’m actually excited to see them expand on this Joker. I wonder what Tommy Wisseau has to say about this? He had his heart set on playing the part of the Joker, he even released an audition tape in full costume and make up not too long ago.

~Big Eyes

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