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THE CAPTAIN trailer!

THE CAPTAIN trailer!


Hey folks, check out this trailer for THE CAPTAIN!


Written and directed by Robert Schwentke (RED), this 2017 film stars Max Hubacher (THE FOSTER BOY) as Willi Herold, a private on the run from his commander. When he stumbles across a Captain's uniform, he dons it and assumes the rank and the privileges that come with it... forced to maintain the role of the monsters he ran from, he is suddenly in charge of human lives at a German prison outpost, and sucked into his new authority and the opportunities for cruelty, as oppressor and not victim, it opens for him.


I have difficulty stomaching films that deal in Nazi atrocities and fascism. The last one I saw, 2015's LAND OF MINE, was painful, but well worth the time. I'll definitely be seeing this in a theater if it opens near me.

THE CAPTAIN will be in select U.S. theatres on July 27th.

-- Precious Roy

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