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Sin is Crouching at the Door Watch the Trailer for "DEVIL’S DOORWAY" Now!

“Sin is crouching at the door” 

Freddy Beans here with the first trailer for the horror movie DEVIL’S DOORWAY.

Holy crap, this looks so aesthetically impressive.  I’ll have to watch THE MAGDALENE SISTERS before I see this one as a companion piece.  I wonder if there’s a tie-in or even if it was inspirational to the DEVIL’S DOORWAY.  I think there were 3 girls that survived the ending of that one.  Anyone else out there like asylum movies with abusive staff terrorizing folks that can’t defend themselves??  Maybe I’m depraved???

This story centers around the Magdalene Laundries, a 200-year smear on Ireland’s history.  The Laundries were essentially asylums for the undesirable women (Prostitutes/Orphans/Unwed and pregnant/mentally disabled/etc.) they began somewhere in the 1960’s and believe it or not, the last one didn’t close until 1996.

DEVIL’S DOORWAY follows Father Thomas Riley (Lalor Roddy) and Father John Thornton sent from the Vatican to one of these Magdalene asylums where things are of course not as they seem at first glance.

Aislinn Clarke directs her first feature-length film here and she feels like someone to look out for.  The film is shot documentary style and filmed with a grimy 16 mm look perfect for the 1960’s.  The only thing that didn’t feel fresh was the sudden swing of crosses upside down (Ahem CONJURING 2)

Truly, this feels like a must-see for us horror fans.  I can’t wait and hope it lives up to all the promise I see in this trailer.  

DEVIL’S DOORWAY heads to VOD and theaters on July 13th, I will be racing to catch this one before you all!


Til next time kids

Freddy Bans

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