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Trailer For Indie Film MOSS

Check out this cool trailer!




So this movie looks like it has a very peaceful atmosphere, like you’re right there in nature with them. But I really REALLY which they hadn’t put a quote talking about the history of the actor Mitchell Slaggert as Calvin Klein model, because all I see now is ZOOLANDER.




That aside, I actually can’t wait to see this. I love a good raw indie film!

The premise is described on IMDB for MOSS as “In this Southern Gothic coming-of-age tale, an isolated and troubled young man, Moss, meets a mysterious and beautiful hiker on the banks of the river near his home on his eighteenth birthday. She guides him on a journey of self-discovery and helps him overcome the tragic death of his mother and the shadow it has cast on his relationship with his detached father.”

MOSS looks like it's only touring film festivals right now. Find out more about this film at

~Big Eyes


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