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Ruby Rose cast as BATWOMAN!

Ruby Rose is television's "Batwoman"

Hey folks... some great news on the CW-verse front... according to Entertainment Weekly, the CW's BATWOMAN, announced just last week, has already found their Kate Kane!

Gender-fluid actress Ruby Rose... perhaps best known for her role in "Orange is the New Black" as treacherous inmate Stella Carlin, who made a great turn as the mute killer Ares in JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2... will be playing the vigilante superheroine in the CW crossover, to be spun off into her own series. 

On the one hand, this is odd, because Rose is a small, thin woman at 5' 7", and Batwoman always seemed tall and curvy to me. (But Melissa Benoist is only 5' 8"... so I can live with that.) On the other hand, if you've seen her in JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2, you will already know she's awesome. She can not only be tough, she can project tough. She has looks that would wither Derek Zoolander's Blue Steel. Very much looking forward to seeing what Rose brings to the CW-verse.

-- Precious Roy

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