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John Huston's "The Misfits" Long Lost Nude Scene with Marilyn Monroe FOUND!

Hola Dannie aqui,

Yesterday broke the news that John Huston's "The Misfits" long lost and rumored nude scene with the iconic bombshell Marilyn Monroe has indeed been found. Writer Charles Casillo discovered the footage while researching his book "Marilyn Monroe: The Private Life of a Public Icon"  which comes out tomorrow and is published by St. Martin's Press.

Casillo discovered the lost scene while interviewing Curtice Taylor, the son of "The Misfits" producer Frank Taylor. Curtice had kept the nude scene securely locked away since his fathers passing back in 1999. The footage is of Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe, Monroe is wrapped in a bedsheet and drops it exposing her body in all its glory. This scene if left in the film would have been a huge deal, being the first all nude scene by an American actress during the Talkies (sound) era.

If you have never seen John Huston's "The Misfits" from 1961 you are sorely missing out. The film is available on DVD and also rentable on Amazon Prime for a mere $2.99, so there is no excuse to miss out on this amazing classic.

Marilyn Monroe was never shy about her body and was photographed many times wholly and partially nude. Below are a series shot by Tom Kelley back in 1949 which he titled "Marilyn Monroe on Red Velvet."  The top left photograph resided in our family bathroom, and I grew up thinking Monroe was the perfect embodiment of feminity, strength/struggle, and beauty. I also always have admired her courage posing nude during a time of extreme censorship and backward thinking taboos. Monroe was a beautifully tortured soul that tabloids and trolls of the day destroyed. I hope you all enjoy Monroe's eternal beauty below in Kelley's tastefully classic pin-up photographs. 

The photographs above had many incarnations one I have pictured below has a sheet of cellophane that has lingerie printed on it that you can lift and reveal Marilyn disrobed.


"The Misfits" was written by Monroe's husband, Arthur Miller (pictured below) who was at that time considered America's favorite playwright. This was Miller's first attempt at writing for the silver screen and it is said he wrote the film as a valentine for Monroe. Unfortunately, Miller and Monroe were divorced right before the films Hollywood premiere in early 1961. Monroe is said to have often been high and drunk on set when and if she'd show up. As well Monroe was having extreme difficulties remembering her lines. "The Misfits" was Marilyn Monroes last feature role, as her addictions worsened she eventually self-destructed on August 5th, 1962 breaking hearts across the globe.

Well, folks what do you all think will happen to this lost nude scene? Will it ever see the projectors bulb? Will it be a unique feature on a BluRay release? Maybe it will remain locked in Curtice Taylor's residence? Director John Huston said he cut the scene as it supposedly did not add to the story. I wonder what will become of the footage, I for one would love to see it. Monroe was a sexual icon, a star that as of yet has not to be equaled in celebrity or cult status.

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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