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GOTG3 punts!

 Post-Gunn GOTG suspended

Hey folks... just when you thought all mention of GOTG3 was done? Well, it's back.... the third film in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY series has seen its production put on hold yesterday, according to The Hollywood Reporter who carried the exclusive.

It was inevitable that Disney/Marvel would have to start considering the timetable and making new plans as they work out how to replace James Gunn as director. No release date had been set for the film.

It's interesting to note that Marvel has already had a recent meeting with Taika Waititi, although it is unclear of helming GOTG3 was the actual focus of that agenda. Waititi has been the fan choice time and time again to replace Gunn and if the series could do well, it would do well under Waititi. His sense of humor and action aesthetic would both be on target for a Guardians of the Galaxy film. I would expect two things if Waititi is named the director of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 3: a word of support from Gunn, and Waititi to claim a pretty damn big paycheck as the top fan choice.

As a fan of the series and characters myself, this is a sensible move. Going ahead with an unknown and hoping it will all work out is a silly gamble. By reshuffling the deck with a pause, Marvel can take careful stock of where they are and where they want the series to be. They will have time to work out the rancor with the cast and find some kind of understanding about how to go forward, hopefully.

At the moment, Dave Bautista is pretty unforgiving of Gunn's firing and the role Mike Cernovich (a know shit-stirrer and liar) had in it, and has taken to Twitter to share some of the uncomfortable truths about what Cernovich does and actually represents:

And... as damning as it is to hear a fearing-no-reprisal Cernovich discuss his methods of influence so brazenly, I know that nothing will likely come of that. It's already part of the narrative, for many people, that Gunn associates with pedophilia, through evidence that includes once having a conversation "with a known Pedo!", who happens to be the founder of the Hollywood Science Fiction Museum (which of course Gunn has no reason to be in contact with other than pedophilia)... or a party of adults wearing costumes... or a series of disgusting jokes he made on Twitter and later apologized for. 

Just as during the week that the NXIVM story broke, Pizzagate believers came back for a second helping, trying to tie the Alison Mack story to Pizzagate, which Cernovich had already admitted at the time was a lie he made up. So, no offense to Bautista, but exposing Cernovich is only going to matter to people with open minds. We've already seen it get pretty dark and grim here in Talkbacks. Here's just a smattering of some of the comments that have been posted here:

Some rather disgusting Talkbacks

Nothing's gonna change, there; people want a takedown and they clearly don't care what lengths they have to stretch it to make it work... and that's the way it is. 

At any rate, the superheroes must flow... look for Marvel to find their new director in the coming months and begin a new production plan.

-- Precious Roy

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