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Greetings, geeks!


First of all, if you haven’t seen THOR: RAGNAROK or INFINITY WAR yet, get the heck out of here because I’m talking spoilers!

It’s been a little while since I speculated about the Marvel movie timeline. Last time was when I questioned is if THOR: RAGNAROK was actually FILLER THE MOVIE. On today’s subject, what I would like to discuss is actually rather relevant to this last bit of speculation! Just first, let me remind you guys I am not hating on THOR or INFINITY WAR, I loved both movies!

While a majority of THOR: RAGNAROK was filler, it did set up some important dominos for INFINITY WAR, particularly by sending the people of Asgard to space as they no longer have a physical home. In space is where Thanos attacked them, but did it really need to be space? Would it have mattered if Asgard had not been destroyed? I think probably not.

So here’s the other thing that THOR: RAGNAROK achieved: Thor learned that he was powerful without his hammer, and realized his true power as a god. So I’m confused why Thor felt he needed another weapon to harness his power (though the axe was pretty damn metal) in INFINITY WAR to fight Thanos when it was already established that he didn’t need a weapon in the first place. That character development from RAGNAROK seemed to go right out the window! Also, honestly...I liked pirate Thor, and we didn’t even get to keep that!

So help me out here, geeks. I wanna hear what you have to say about this!

To me, Marvel is pretty good about tying up loose ends, but it feels like to me that THOR RAGNAROK was more squeezed in there than it was meant to further along the storyline! Is that wrong, or is there something I’m missing?! You know, it has probably been too long since I last watched INFINITY WAR!

~Big Eyes


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