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Alec Baldwin Already Drops out of Joaquin Phoenix Joker Movie



How long did that last...two days? Alec Baldwin has already dropped out of the Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix! He was to play a minor role as Bruce Wayne’s father Thomas Wayne.

Baldwin claims that there was a scheduling issue according to Variety, but it seems like it goes a little further than just that. It appears that he had an issue with a Thomas Wayne that is described as a Trump character in his 80s.

Back in March Deadline reported that Baldwin told Jimmy Kimmel live on television that playing Trump became “agony”. He thought he was going to do just a few shows until the election, but then Trump won and he was like “Oh, no.” I’m sure a lot of you vaguely remember the “twitter battle” between the two earlier this year. This is how Trump responded to Alec’s statement about the "agony":


A Donald Trump-type Thomas Wayne sounds like a terrible idea anyway, who the heck came up with that? This makes me think we should already be worrying about this project...

~Big Eyes


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