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EXTREMITY trailer gets dark!


Hey folks... Entertainment Weekly shared the trailer for EXTREMITY. Check this out!


Directed by Antony DiBlasi (LAST SHIFT), EXTREMITY was written by first writer David Bond and Scott Swan (THE LAST INTERVIEW). The plot involves a woman named Allison (Dana Christina, "Wyonna Earp") who goes on an 'extreme haunt'-- sort of like Fincher's THE GAME as a LARP-- to help her deal with her fears. The experience she has at 'Purgatory' pushes her in ways she never anticipated.

Scene from EXTREMITY

Psychological horror, and the kind of audience it connects with, fascinates me. There's an argument to be made that a film-- like an experience-- can push you too far, and there's an argument that says we can't decide for other people what too far is, and another argument that pushing the boundaries is where we get to new and interesting work. EXTREMITY looks like a real test of one's boundaries and coping. I think my outer limits are THE PURGE, which this goes far beyond, but I can certainly appreciate the value of this level of horror.

 -- Precious Roy

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