Freddy Beans here with a trailer for THE BILL MURRAY STORIES: LIFE LESSONS LEARNED FROM A MYTHICAL MAN. Whew, that’s a mouthful.
That looks awesome! I don’t’ care what anyone says.
To be completely transparent I love Bill Murray. (Wheels note: We ALL love Bill Murray.) I would love nothing more than to share a shot of whiskey or three with the man. He’s a true enigma. Murray tends to play vain super-jerks on screen and yet all you hear about the man on the ground floor with the rest of us peons is that he's the most approachable and affable guy in the business. So he’s not only a comedic legend he also happens to be an extremely cool guy to boot.
Tommy Avallone directs here, sharing co-writer credits with Max Paolucci in what looks like a movie made to make us smile.
Tommy should follow this up with a companion piece on a jerk in Hollywood. I’ll avoid the urge to call out names here.
Anyone else have an unreasonable affection to see this, or for Bill Murray in general?
Til next time, Kids!
- Freddy Beans