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The trailer for THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD brings history alive!


Freddy Beans here with the official trailer for THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD.



I wrote this one up a couple of months back and it only looks better now.  They’ve added the tank shot, which is amazing to behold and a few others, the purple hued panoramic shot at dusk being the standout.  

THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD, produced and directed by Peter Jackson, (LORD OF THE RINGS/DEAD ALIVE) takes never-before-seen archival footage and restores it to levels never seen before.


This already looks like something we should showcase in schools.  Maybe bookend it with FORGOTTEN SILVER and the story of Colin McKenzie.  Heh.  Seriously though, Peter Jackson can do anything he sets his mind to.  And this film looks to be more evidence of that.



THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD opens at theaters in the UK October 16th.  No word yet on when it opens in the states but I’ll get that to you soon as we have it.


Anyone else want to watch a bunch of old restored World War I footage?
I’ve been a fan of Peter Jackson since BAD TASTE.  There’s no way I’d miss the opportunity to see this in the theaters.  Really hoping we get that opportunity here in the U.S.



Til next time, Kids!



- Freddy Beans


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