At least we'll always have the equally loved/hated Star Trek: The Animated Series. It was cheese, but it was delicious cheese.The showrunners for the series will be Emmy Award winners Kevin and Dan Hageman (TROLLHUNTERS, THE LEGO MOVIE), overseen by Ramsey Naito, Executive Vice President of Animation Production and Development at Nickelodeon. It will be created under CBS's Eye Animation Studios' umbrella in partnership with CBS's Secret Hideout animation arm, and Roddenberry Entertainment. Executive Producers include Trek alumni Alex Kurtzman, Heather Kadin, Rod Roddenberry, Trevor Roth, and with Animation Director Katie Krentz and Co-Executive Producer Aaron Baiers rounding out the show's leadership. With this team guiding the series, it could be good, but that synopsis is... not exciting. I WANT it to be good. I do. I just have some reservations about such a broad-stroke, 80s-preteen-film-rehash concept feeling like anything more than recycled.Don't get me wrong. I love Star Trek. I love all things Trek, in fact. Even Star Trek V... "What does God need with a Starship?"......................yawn.Lawless teens! Derelict ship! The search for meaning and salvation! CG animation!It was announced yesterday that Nickelodeon has picked up a yet-unnamed CG-Animated Star Trek series. The show is said to focus on a group of "lawless teens" who find a derelict Starfleet vessel and use it to go on a series of adventures, seeking "adventure, meaning, and salvation."
This sounds horrible and contrived.
That means it will probably be a huge success.It might be great. It might be awful. I feel like it'll be somewhere South of halfway between. I HOPE it's great, but I'm not setting expectations high.That's all for now, so until next time,Keep it geek, and Live Long And Prosper!Benny No-Good