Aloha yall,
Tex Hula
Director Andrea Ovredal (SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK) is set to bring the Stephen King adaption The Long Walk before cameras for New Line Cinema. And I couldn't be happier.

Actually, if this is done right I'll be a pig in shit.
I'm really surprised this has taken so long to be adapted. I read this in junior high as part of King's Bachman Books. Of all the four stories this one was the most immersive for me. One hundred teenaged boys take part in a contest in which they're forced to walk. Just walk. If you go under four miles an hour you receive a warning. Get three warnings you're shot dead. The walk ends when only one person remains. That person gets whatever he wishes.
The great thing about the story was the interaction between all the characters. At first, everyone wants to keep to themselves, but slowly they become a team, sharing stories, telling each other why they're taking part in this. Then they have to watch each other die, one by one. Also, there's a really determined quiet, weird kid in the back of the group.
With dystopian teen novels, and Stephen King being adapted by Hollywood left and right, this seems like a no-brainer.
Mahalo pardners,
Tex Hula