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Movie News


Hey, everyone, it's Sam here to tell you about the new movie TEEN SPIRIT expected in theaters on Friday, April 5, 2019.

Teen Spirit is about Violet (Elle Fanning) a shy teenager who dreams of escaping her small town and pursuing her passion to sing. With the help of an unlikely mentor, she enters a local singing competition that will test her integrity, talent, and ambition. Driven by a pop-fueled soundtrack, Teen Spirit is a visceral and stylish spin on the Cinderella story.

Check out the trailer:

The movie was written and directed by Max Minghella and stars Elle Fanning, Rebecca Hall, and Millie Brady.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve seen the likes of this movie premise so many times that you roll your eyes while you think “I know the whole got damn story already.”   Dorothy takes a wild and strange journey to the Land of OZ a.k.a. “fame.”  While traveling the yellow brick road she forgets where she came from, gets wrapped up in a tornado of sex, drugs, and alcohol.  Then she loses all of her real friends to the “fair weather” vampires who only cling to you for social status.  At this point in my life (shoulder shrug) I only watch these cliché concept films just to see how the content matches the current trends in our society.  

What do you think about it, everyone?  My guess is that those 90’s kids who remain tried and true Nirvana fans may feel the title alone is a violation.


I won’t speak to the Kirk Cobain fans when I ask,  “Are you down to check out how TEEN SPIRIT plays out in the world of reality t.v., YouTube challenges, Snap Chat and how many likes can I get on Instagram?”    

I’m out - Sam

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