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Movie News

TENET stands its ground, the rest of WARNERS is moving on down the road!

Hey folks, Harry here in Quarantine, changing FatherGeek's bandages and watching FANASIA and thinking...  This is hands down the best animated film...   And as I thought that I came across WARNER BROTHERS' announcement about their upcoming slate of cinema and was shocked to see:

Christopher Nolan's TENET scheduled July 17th, 2020 - is still scheduled for July 17th, 2020 as of this date.   And August 14th, they say we'll be getting WONDER WOMAN.

At this juncture, I assume most of us can't imagine going to a crowded movie theater in the heart of a pandemic.  But Warners has close ties with Trump's Secretary of State, Steve Mnuchin... so perhaps they're privvy to information that nobody else is aware of.   

But whatever information they may have, it is still moving the rest of their slate on down the road.

Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN has moved from June 25th, 2021 to October 1, 2021.  That's not that big of a push, and seems to indicate a 4 month shift in their shooting & post schedule.

THE FLASH movie, which has time traveled many times thus far has moved up a month from July 1st, 2022 to June 2nd, 2022!  

While SHAZAM 2 is moving from April Fool's Day, 2022 to November 4th, 2022.   

Warners also had some non-superhero movies to shuffle...   Like Baz Luhrmann's ELVIS flick which was due October 1st, 2021, it's just moved back a month to November 5, 2021.  And that was with Tom Hanks playing Col Parker!

For me, the title I really want to know a date or a plan with is Lin-Manuel Miranda's IN THE HEIGHTS - well we'll have to hold our horses because it, SCOOB and MALIGNANT have all been shelved pending a clarity of the tumultulous future.

Stay Home, Stay Safe and Keep it Cool,



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