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Freddy Beans, with a trailer for THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN.

If you didn’t catch it through that thick accent, this one follows Professor James Murray (Mel Gibson) as he compiles the words for the first Oxford English Dictionary.  He receives over 10,000 entries from Dr. William Chester Minor (Sean Penn), a “madman” held at Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum.

This will be Farhad Safinia’s (writer: APOCALYPTO) first venture in the feature film director’s chair. 

John Boorman (ZARDOZ,  EXCALIBUR), Todd Komarnicki (SULLY), co-wrote the screenplay with Farhad, off a book by Simon Winchester.

Natalie Dormer (GOT – Margaery Tyrell) and Jennifer Ehle (ZERO DARK THIRTY), round out that male centric cast from the trailer, nicely. 

If Farhad can make putting the dictionary together into a riveting movie, count me in on anything he commits to in the future.  That’s quite the undertaking!

Why hasn’t anyone put Sean Penn and Mel Gibson together on screen before?

I suppose they’re both polarizing characters in their own right.  I love them both for different reasons.  Think Sean is the better actor while thinking Mel has more charisma in his pinky than Sean will ever have.  I can’t wait to see Mel back in the director’s chair for THE WILD BUNCH.  I’m less enthused but curious, about THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST: RESURRECTION. 

Are any of you interested in how the first Oxford English Dictionary came about?
Will you be satisfied with this, instead of the obvious buddy-cop – or grumpier old men stoner road trip movie these two should have starred in?

Til next time Kids

Ken Lewis (AKA:  Freddy Beans)


Instagram: freddybeans13

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