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There's no escaping the BLACK MASS

Ken with information on a new short film by Scott Lyus, titled BLACK MASS.

In less than three weeks it has blown by its Kickstarter goals.  Let’s help it elongate their stretch goals.  Check it out, all you need to know  (Press release/teaser trailer/offers/etc.) is a click away here.

So what is BLACK MASS?  Here’s Scott in his own words. 

 Black Mass is a film that is born out of my own personal battle with depression and the depths it has taken me to. For me, it has been the darkest and scariest period of my life, and while it’s a battle I still suffer with, it’s something I’m ready to be open about and help shine a light on. The story is a passionate take on a very tough subject and I don’t want to shy away from or sugarcoat what people with depression go through and horror is the perfect genre to explore that story. I promise Black Mass will be the scariest and darkest film I have ever made.

The premise follows two adopted daughters and their bereaved father who are haunted by a demonic presence.

It’s backed by a cast of Johnny Vivash, Charlie Bond and Sophie Eleni to help pull it off.

Scott Lyus (ECHOES OF THE PASSED) and Chris Nials (HANGING WITH) are producing.  Neal Parsons (A SILENT CHILD) will be Director of Photography.  Mitch Bain will handle the score and Ryan J. Thompson (THE BIRCH) handles the VFX.

I really love this concept and all the players.  So many people are afflicted with depression.  I have watched family members crippled by it.  Lost a couple friends to its bullshit clutches and I know most of you can relate, unfortunately.  I also appreciate how cathartic this entire experience has been and will be moving forward for Scott.  Thank you for sharing the darkest corners of your mind with us man.

Who’s excited for this one?  There’s a teaser trailer within the link at the top of the page.  It looks fantastic with just those snippets. 

What’s the favorite short you’ve seen recently? 

Til next time Kids

Ken Lewis (AKA:  Freddy Beans)

Instagram:  freddybeans13

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