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AICN Chats With The Stars Of PLUS ONE - Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine

AICN Chats With The Stars Of PLUS ONE - Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine


   PLUS ONE is set to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on Sunday 4/28/19



   PLUS ONE is an upcoming romantic comedy starring Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine. The film was written and directed by Jeff Chan and Andrew Rhymer and will be premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City on Sunday 4/28/19. 

  PLUS ONE was recently named by The Wall Street Journal as one of "Five Movies to Make Noise at the Tribeca Film Festival" this year. The buzz around the film is certainly picking up and I had the exciting opportunity to chat with Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine, the films two main stars. The film is set to premiere in theatres on June 14th, 2019 but until then you can check out a spoiler free part of our awesome conversation below!


JOSHUA SCAFIDI: Hi guys, how are you?


MAYA ERSKINE: Good, how are you?

JS: I’m doing great, thank you for asking! So I see you two are starring in a film together, PLUS ONE.

JACK QUAID: Oh yeah!


ME: Yes!

JS: Written and directed by Jeff Chan and Andrew Rhymer and set to premier tomorrow at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC.

JQ: Yeah man, we’re really excited!

JS: Awesome! What can you tell us without spoiling anything?

JQ: Well, basically it’s a RomCom about two people who are long time friends going to, in a time in your 20s, late 20s or early 30s when everyone you know is getting engaged, getting married. And they decide to latch on to each other basically just brave the storm of all these weddings.

JS: I see PLUS ONE was named by the Wall Street Journal as 'One of five movies to make noise at the Tribeca Film Festival' this year. Are you nervous, excited?

JQ: We’re mostly just excited!


ME: Yeah!


JQ: We worked really hard on this thing, and we’re really proud of it. So just the fact it’s getting any kind of buzz, you can’t beat that.

ME: We were talking about how we all went to school in New York, so there’s something nice about coming back to NY and being in a film festival. At least for me, this is my first time being in any film festival.

JS: So it’s like a coming home almost?


ME: Yeah, it’s just nice to be back in the city.


JQ: Most of the people involved in the movie went to NYU at a certain point in their lives. I went slightly after Jeff (Chan), Mya and Andrew (Rhymer) but it's just really cool to come back to the city and be able to celebrate this with like a lot of people we went to college with.


JS: That must feel great! I saw the film and you two are absolutely adorable together, I just want to say! Great chemistry between the two of you.


JQ: Thank you!

ME: Thank you!


JS: Did you guys know each other prior to filming or was this your first time meeting?

ME: This was actually our first time meeting but we strangely lead parallel lives. Both Jack and I went to the same elementary, middle school, college; but at different times in our lives and we luckily got to rehearse for two weeks before we started filming the movie so that was a great way for us to get to know each other and instill the dynamic that naturally I think made its way into the film.


JQ: Shout out to Lily! Yeah, it was really nice just to have that time to rehearse almost every scene in the movie because we really got to nail our dynamic down, we improvised some of the lines that made it into the final film. But It was just really nice that when we actually started filming it, we didn’t have to worry about, ok who are these people and what is their dynamic? We can just play and have fun.


JS: I enjoyed it, I'm rooting for you guys tomorrow and wish you all the luck in the world!


JQ: Thank you!


ME: Thank you!


JS: I will be watching out for it and it premieres (in theatres) when? 


ME: June 14th. 


JS: June 14th, I'll be looking for it guys! Thanks so much for your time.


JQ: Thank you, have a good one.


ME: Thank you!



   Well, that's all we can spill for now folks! 

   Click here to view the entire cast on IMBD and be sure to keep your eye on PLUS ONE at the Tribeca Film Festival Sunday 4/28/19!

   For a more in depth look at our chat check back with us June 14th! Comment below and until next time, keep on geekin' on my friends!


   Joshua "Prometheus" Scafidi


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